Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just for a Laugh

I sincerely love to laugh. I think everyone knows this. There is nothing like the feeling of laughter, the pure joy. Well, that is unless you fake/force a laugh. Then it is just awkward.

I wanted to share a story, purely to make you laugh. If you don't laugh, don't worry, I am laughing as I write this.

This morning at work I encountered one of my patients, a gentleman quite advanced in age, who was pleasantly confused. At least I thought he was pleasantly confused. He ended up being crazy very agitated. He had decided that he was done with the hospital. He attempted to leave the room in his birthday suit. I convinced him that clothing was an acceptable option. And then we began the pacing around the unit. For quite a while we paced.

When he was heavily sedated calmed down I had him sit in the nurse's station with me while I attempted to document. He thought this to be great fun. He was astonished at how fast I could type. He pretended like I felt a draft when he blew on my hair. He poked me and then blamed it on an an innocent doctor. Anyway he cracked several jokes and when I shared a hearty laugh with him he followed it up with the greatest response. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "We are having more fun than humans."

Later that day when I sent him to a nursing home he gave me a hug and begged me to take him home with me... It was tempting.

So that this is not another "wordless" post:

            Dessie and I at work... She's from Missisipi. So she has the best accent. Love her!

Jaci, Kristin, and I at a birthday celebration.
I love my fellow nurses.
I could not survive without them.

Debbie, some people have a more relaxed attitude at work. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hello Out There

                                           I'm sure my six readers have given up on me.
                         But if any faithful friends are still to be had here is a general update.
                              Just be forewarned, this is a wordless post as my computer has
                      decided that all of my current camera cards are not worthy of reading.

                             It's September. And I have not even thought of fall decor.
                Instead I have been busy at work. I am sure most of you know that I am a nurse.
                                I work on a medical/surgical, oncology, pediatric floor.
                                                     Confused? Yeah, me too.
             The majority of my patients are adults there for medical problems, some go for surgery.
               We take the occasional pediatric patient and then we have a special hall for chemo.

                                                       I love being a nurse.
                            Whether I am helping clean an endlessly incontinent patient
       or giving the thousandth dose of Colace (a stool softener), I feel that ultimate fulfillment
                                            I love my patients with dementia.
           Yes, they can be frustrating. Yes, some of them have landed some kicks and punches.
                  But they are also the most vulnerable and need to be protected.
                                                       I love being a wife.
                         Whether I am being kissed or asked to wash smelly socks,
                                                 I know that I am loved.
                                               I know that I am cherished.
                                               I know that I am respected.
                                                      I like being a student.
                                    Whether I am writing a paper or taking a test.
                              Although I'd take a test over writing a paper any day.
                  For those of you who don't know, I started working on my BSN this fall.
            I am currently taking only nine hours but I hope to take at least twelve next semester.
                             Some times it is stressful: This last Sunday I worked night shift (boring),
   got off at seven forty-five, drove thirty minutes to class, took a short nap, went to a two hour math class,
                        left that campus, drove twenty minutes to my other campus, took an exam,
                                               finally drove home, and crashed.
                     So enough about me, I'm enjoying catching up on everyone's blog.
                 I will attempt to post pictures at another point if my computer quits striking.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Red, White, and Blue

I just wanted to share some 4th of July goodness.
Of course, HGTV was an awesome resource.

I'm convinced this is what Heidi's children's birthday cakes will look like :)


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Losing the Past

                                          I know it's not a popular topic.
               I typically stay pretty bright and I'm always excited about the future.
               However little moments from my past make me extremely nostalgic.
      This morning I was thinking of Canada, which I consider home, and I became very sad.

         It's stupid, but I couldn't remember the name of the street I spent seven years of my life on.
                                             The street with the gang house on it.
           The street that had Americans, Chinese, Phillipinos, Metis, and First Nationers coexisting.
                        The street with the yellow victorian house on the corner.
                                      The street that I dream of returning to...
                                                       Elgin Street.

                                  My chest constricted and my heart hurt.
                         My eyes stung and my throat became thick with tears.
                          Am I really losing my past? My memory of my home.
                 I instantly began skimming through my mental roledex of memories.
                     The brilliant green and blue of the northern lights dancing in the sky,
       the yaps of the scrawny dogs as they strain against their harnasses to start the race,
                         the myriad of cultures on display at the Folk-la-Rama,
                    the smell of "green coils" permeating the church service at camp,
                 the burning in my feet as my dad attempts to warm my frost bitten toes,
                               the tunnels and forts built in the snow....
                                                     I could go on.
                Canada is a beautiful country that I yearn to return to at some point.
                 To satiate my desire I did what any tech saavy person would do...
         I google mapped the homes I lived in and then looked at them in the "street mode"
                       Yes, I did feel like a stalker. It was totally worth it though.
                           Do any of you other missionary kids feel like this?


Friday, May 13, 2011

Mothers Day

                                                   Sunday was sort of a bum day...
                           It was the first Mothers Day that I was apart from my mother.
                                                    And I love my mother dearly.
             There was nothing I wanted to more than to be sitting on a thread bare green pew,
                    to hear Sis. Eisenhart make her funny jokes, or to give my mom a hug.
                                        Like I said, it was a bum day in that regards.

                         But on a less depressing note, this is what Mothers Day looked like here.

I made one of my mom's favorite recipes.
Strawberry Pretzel Dessert.

And then I was called upon to make the infamous
Green Bean Casserole.
I learned another cooking lesson in the process.
Never believe the "Number of Servings" on a can of French Onions.

This is how the story goes:
I got up early Sunday morning (shocking, I know)
and prepared this dish. To my dismay this "serves six" portion
barely made it halfway in my casserole pan.
At that point I tried to improvise.
I put it in a smaller dish.
I added more french onions.
I even contemplated adding more condensed soup.
You might ask: why not just double the serving?
To answer that question, I am not a boy scout and so am therefore never prepared for emergencies.
So what happened?
I found a small bag of frozen green beans cowering in the darkest corner of my freezer.
I was then able to double my recipe.
No one seemed to mind the slight freezer burnt taste (kidding).

Last and certainly least exciting was a bowl of vegetables that I made.
They were completely unexciting, but required for a balanced meal.
Yes mom, we did have the "perfect balance" and I thought of you.

My husband and mother in law.
She is really awesome.
We are totally blessed to have her in our lives.

Friday, May 6, 2011

No Excuse

                      Since I have been absent for so long I won't even pretend to offer an excuse.
                            I also can't think of a way to catch up in a fun, creative sort of way.
                                            So instead, I have a few pictures to offer...

                                                                      ...I'm in love....

A certain cutie came to visit us.

                              I know these are blurry iPhone pictures, but I had to have proof.

                                                    My sweet nephew sleeping in my bed.

A couple weeks ago I called my bestie, Heidi.
I excitedly told her that I was at last truly a woman.
When she questioned my meaning I explained that I had finally made a meal in my crockpot.
Crockpot meals were always a big reach for me since they require so much planning.
However, now that I work 12 to 13 hour days I needed to implement the crockpot.

My first attempt was Stuffed Peppers.
It was a great meal.
Except for that fact that I used the wrong type of rice.
Brandon didn't seem to mind the granules ;)

                                                                    Note to Self:
                                       When a recipe calls for instant rice, use instant rice.
                                        On Easter Sunday we had company over after church.
                                            There was no fancy preparations, just taco salad.

                                                               Love me some Pico de Gallo

                             I have enjoyed catching up on everyone else's blogs. I'll be back.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Savory Hand Pies

                      Delicous, flaky crust. Warm, melted feta cheese. Roasted onions and tomatoes.
                                                     If any of this appeals to you, read on.
                                          If not, you're out of luck  I hope you enjoy pictures.

Last week I took a minor break from sanity
                                and decided that I was going to try this Martha Stewart recipe.
                                              I used to be obsessed with her recipes.
                   That is, until I actually tried to shop for the obscure ingredients, actually tried the
                  multiple steps involved, and actually did ALL the dishes that these recipes require.
                                                          I am so over her recipes.

   If you are really bored super creative then you can visit Martha for the recipe.
               I did add turkey sausage to this recipe as my husband is opposed to all things vegan.

PS: Can you tell my graphic designer husband got a hold of my pictures?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rainy Day

                                                It is a very rainy day in South Florida.
                                       I am totally happy about the level of precipitation.
                                             Call me weird, but I do have my reasons.

My awesome rainboots that match NOTHING but white.
They make me feel fun and cute but slightly ridiculous.

Warm velvety hot chocolate is perfect with the rain.

And last but certainly not least...
As the wife of a landscaper, I either love or hate rainy days.
A rainy day can mean one of two things.
It can be a fun day spent together.
It can be a pile of soaked work clothes and a trail of bootprints through the house.
I am lucky today :)


Monday, March 21, 2011

Lemon and Vanilla

                                                  Yeah you read right. Lemon and Vanilla.
                                                   Separately, I am drawn to those flavors.
                                                             Together, they are a dream.

Lemon-vanilla candle.

Lemon-Vanilla Tart

                                               This blog IS called Bake. Eat. Run. Repeat.
                               An update: I've actually been Baking. And yes, Eating as well.
                 The only breakdown is the running part. I run probably half a mile four days a week.
                                             That is pitiful. And you are welcome to judge.


                                                            Lemon Vanilla Tart

  • 1  recipe  Tart Pastry (recipe below)
  • 2    lemons
  • 1/2  cup  sugar
  • 1  Tbsp.  all-purpose flour
  • 2    eggs
  • 1/4  cup  butter, melted
  • 1  Tbsp.  vanilla
  • 1  recipe  Oven-Candied Lemon Slices (recipe below)


1. Prepare Tart Pastry. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Wrap the rolled-out pastry around a rolling pin. Using pin, ease pastry into a 9-inch tart pan with removable bottom, taking care not to stretch the pastry. Press pastry into fluted sides of tart pan. Trim edges even with the pan. Line pastry with a double thickness of foil. Bake for 8 minutes. Remove foil. Bake 5 to 6 minutes more or until crust is golden. Cool on wire rack. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F.

2. Meanwhile, finely shred 4 teaspoons peel from lemons. Set aside. Squeeze enough juice from lemons to measure 6 tablespoons; set aside.

3. In medium bowl combine sugar and flour. Add eggs. Beat with electric mixer on medium to high speed for 3 minutes or until mixture is light in color and slightly thickened. Stir in lemon peel, lemon juice, butter, and vanilla. Pour into pastry shell. Place tart pan on a baking sheet.

4. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until filling is set and lightly browned. Cool on a wire rack.

5. To serve, remove sides of pan, and top tart with Oven-Candied Lemon Slices. Makes 8 servings.

6. Tart Pastry: In medium bowl cut 1/2 cup cold butter into 1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour until pieces are the size of small peas. In a small mixing bowl combine 1 beaten egg yolk, and 1 tablespoon ice water. Gradually stir the egg yolk mixture into the flour mixture. Add 2 to 4 tablespoons more water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until all the dough is moistened. Shape into a ball. If necessary, cover dough with plastic wrap and chill in refrigerator for 30 to 60 minutes or until dough is easy to handle. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough on an 11-inch circle. Use to prepare Lemon-Vanilla Tart.

7. Oven-Candied Lemon Slices: Line a 15x10x1-inch baking pan with parchment paper. Cut 2 small lemons crosswise into 1/8-to 1/4-inch-thick slices. Arrange in a single layer on pan. Sprinkle lemon slices with 1/4 cup sugar. Bake in preheated 275 degree F oven 45 to 50 minutes or until lemons are almost dry and covered with sugary glaze. While still warm, loosen slices from paper to prevent sticking.

*Disclaimer* I honestly only put the lemon slices on for looks, I take them off before serving. They actually don't taste that great on top but they do look really nice.*

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So I try my best not to pray for my own selfish gain when there are so many more worthy subjects. Yet I've always believed that Jesus is my best friend. I tell my earthly best friend (my husband) all my problems and my greatest wants and desires. This is how I rationalized praying for a good job in nursing to come along for me in God's timing. Well,
I admit it was very hard to wait... But the waiting may be over.
I got a call today for an interview, my first ever, for a perfect job!
The job is on a pediatric cancer floor! Wow,
I'm so excited!
So please, if you think of me on Friday pray for me!
And remember that our mutual Best Friend "painted" each sunset, hung each star in the sky, and arranged for each gust of wind.

Friday, March 11, 2011


                                   If you are similar to me and occasionally enjoy the frivolous side of life
                                           such as browsing etsy shops and having creative pillows
                                    you should check out Shelly Orvis at
                                            She is really crafty, sells fun products, and best of all..
                                                        is giving away this awesome pillow.

If you are impressed, stalk her  follow her on facebook here: The Pink Giraffe

I also like this pillow.

Did I mention that she goes to my church?
She totally intimidates impresses me.

Friday, March 4, 2011


This is my "bestie" Heidi. She is amazing. She is funny. Like seriously funny.
She is smart. She writes. She is a youth-pastor's-wife.
She is beautiful (obviously).
She is loyal.
And she visited me in January.

We ate.
We shopped.
We talked about our memories.
We talked about our grown up lives.
We talked about our future.
We mentioned babies and vacations.
We told jokes.
We laughed.

We were so busy having fun (aka playing Blurr) we did not take any pictures.
Here is a photo from the Panthers game.
Heidi was a great cheerleader.

The game was fun. Even though our team lost.
Oh and the tshirt toss? Fail.

                                  This is our feet on the boardwalk after we did our two miles.
Yep, our faces looked bad.

All in all. I had my best friend for several days.
I was happy.
I hope she was happy.
Oh, check out her blog.
It's bound to get interesting.