Friday, May 13, 2011

Mothers Day

                                                   Sunday was sort of a bum day...
                           It was the first Mothers Day that I was apart from my mother.
                                                    And I love my mother dearly.
             There was nothing I wanted to more than to be sitting on a thread bare green pew,
                    to hear Sis. Eisenhart make her funny jokes, or to give my mom a hug.
                                        Like I said, it was a bum day in that regards.

                         But on a less depressing note, this is what Mothers Day looked like here.

I made one of my mom's favorite recipes.
Strawberry Pretzel Dessert.

And then I was called upon to make the infamous
Green Bean Casserole.
I learned another cooking lesson in the process.
Never believe the "Number of Servings" on a can of French Onions.

This is how the story goes:
I got up early Sunday morning (shocking, I know)
and prepared this dish. To my dismay this "serves six" portion
barely made it halfway in my casserole pan.
At that point I tried to improvise.
I put it in a smaller dish.
I added more french onions.
I even contemplated adding more condensed soup.
You might ask: why not just double the serving?
To answer that question, I am not a boy scout and so am therefore never prepared for emergencies.
So what happened?
I found a small bag of frozen green beans cowering in the darkest corner of my freezer.
I was then able to double my recipe.
No one seemed to mind the slight freezer burnt taste (kidding).

Last and certainly least exciting was a bowl of vegetables that I made.
They were completely unexciting, but required for a balanced meal.
Yes mom, we did have the "perfect balance" and I thought of you.

My husband and mother in law.
She is really awesome.
We are totally blessed to have her in our lives.


  1. Looks YUMMY, Kelly!!! I can almost taste that dessert, MMMMMMMMmmmmmm!

  2. That strawberry dessert is one of my favorites! And, wow, you can even turn green bean casserole into a creative outlet :)

    PS miss you on the green pew every Sunday!

  3. Sorry that you had to be away from your sweet Mother...I know how hard that is! Loved the pics of your delicious food....WOW! That dessert looked heavenly!! (Everything did!) Glad you could be with your in-laws for the day! I too miss sitting on those green pews. =( Aren't our CN church/people so awesome?!
    Love ya!

  4. Hey! I have a great idea! I'd love it if you decided to post your yummy dessert recipe!! =) I could always google it...but then there would be 100 to choose from...and who's to know if it's really going to be as good as yours. ;)
