Friday, May 6, 2011

No Excuse

                      Since I have been absent for so long I won't even pretend to offer an excuse.
                            I also can't think of a way to catch up in a fun, creative sort of way.
                                            So instead, I have a few pictures to offer...

                                                                      ...I'm in love....

A certain cutie came to visit us.

                              I know these are blurry iPhone pictures, but I had to have proof.

                                                    My sweet nephew sleeping in my bed.

A couple weeks ago I called my bestie, Heidi.
I excitedly told her that I was at last truly a woman.
When she questioned my meaning I explained that I had finally made a meal in my crockpot.
Crockpot meals were always a big reach for me since they require so much planning.
However, now that I work 12 to 13 hour days I needed to implement the crockpot.

My first attempt was Stuffed Peppers.
It was a great meal.
Except for that fact that I used the wrong type of rice.
Brandon didn't seem to mind the granules ;)

                                                                    Note to Self:
                                       When a recipe calls for instant rice, use instant rice.
                                        On Easter Sunday we had company over after church.
                                            There was no fancy preparations, just taco salad.

                                                               Love me some Pico de Gallo

                             I have enjoyed catching up on everyone else's blogs. I'll be back.


  1. Love you, Girl! You cracked me up with the "note to self". Loved all the fun pics! Carson is a cutie! (I just took and posted Mary's 7 month old pics on my blog.=) What a nice-looking couple at the top! =)
    GLAD for the update! We missed you!
    Since my girls are making my Mother's Day breakfast (Soppy Choc. and biscuits) they might need my help, so I better run. =)

  2. Nice...your food always looks so pretty.

    And I really like Brandon's short hair, I mean the long hair was way more Billy Bad Apple, but the short hair is cool. Very GQ.

    I will never be the entertainer that you are. Nephews yes. MIL's and way.

    You're awesome yo

  3. Your food does look pretty. I think you're secrectly copy and pasting from Martha's website (and she has been using your home for props). I'm glad your back! Hopefully you will do a post soon on your new job :)

  4. Kelly, forgot to tell you that your food looked yummo!! You mentioned planning...a tip that my Moma shared with me is...never go to bed the night before with out knowing what you are serving for the main meal the next day. (That way you can thaw your meat, soak your beans, etc.) I don't always get this done, but it does help a lot when I do. =)
    We like Brandon's hair too! =)
