Monday, March 28, 2011

Rainy Day

                                                It is a very rainy day in South Florida.
                                       I am totally happy about the level of precipitation.
                                             Call me weird, but I do have my reasons.

My awesome rainboots that match NOTHING but white.
They make me feel fun and cute but slightly ridiculous.

Warm velvety hot chocolate is perfect with the rain.

And last but certainly not least...
As the wife of a landscaper, I either love or hate rainy days.
A rainy day can mean one of two things.
It can be a fun day spent together.
It can be a pile of soaked work clothes and a trail of bootprints through the house.
I am lucky today :)



  1. i agree with the wife of a landscaper part....except I still have to work :(
    Love the boots, I have a rain boot fetish myself, but have skinny lil legs that look awful in them!

  2. Thanks for your nice comment on my "I love coffee post."
    When we found out that we had to move, I nearly dispaired. I thought, "I cannot move w/o Kelly here to help lug babies, pack boxes, haul things, help cook, etc." =) But Thank the Lord, God sent us a nice group of people to help us.

    Wish you could come by for a would be even more fun chatting now that we are both married. =)
