Since it is December 27th I must call this an archive of our First Christmas together and not Christmas inspiration as I had intended to do. I hope that all of you (Janie and Deanna as my faithful readers) had a wonderful time with your families. The husband and I had a smashing good time, although he was playing the role of Florence Nightingale much of the time due to my illness. He was amazing, not every man could put up with a sick version of myself...
The following are pictures of our home in it's best "merry and bright" state.

Our tree, which I dearly loved, was decorated in aqua and red. Shocking, I know...what an original color combination by me.
All satire aside the following are close ups for my mother of my ornaments since she can no longer receive text pics :(

The bulbs are b-a-utiful!

I sincerely love this little bird ornament.

I will forever remain a "snow hopeful"

More arachnoid love

Others are Peace and Joy, very Christmas appropriate words

And finally the star, which no BJones tree would be complete without.

As I was decorating the bathroom my husband let me know that it was frivolous. He stated that the b-room is the last place one should decorate, I think not!

The tacky shelving that I'm doing the best campaigning of my life to get rid of... But alas my pleas for bathroom decor and style is lost on deaf ears.

This is our Christmas Eve dinner table. We never got around to actually using it because our stocking stuffers were more interesting :)

FYI: I'm really frustrated with Blogger, my pictures are uploading super small , it keeps shuffling my pictures around, and somehow I discovered a blog on my reading list that was very nasty. So if you hated my teeny pictures this week or clicked on then I apologize, hopefully everything will be back to normal tomorrow.